On today’s episode of FFF we have the founder of The Prenatal Nutrition Library, Ryann Kipping. Not only is she the founder of TPNL she is also the author of Feel Good Pregnancy Cook Book: and she is a CLE (Certified Lacation Educator).
We have Ryann on the show today so she can help you break down Blood Sugar Management by Trimester and Gestation Diabetes this episode also helps you understand why the Prenatal Nutrition Library exists. She is a huge advocate of empowering pregnant women to make their own decisions and really take ownership for their body and pregnancy by providing them with the knowledge to feel the power to do so.
Sophia refers to Ryann as the voice for choice because of her ability to present important information that is vital in making choices that are right for you. Ryann feels passionately about being a prenatal nutritionist and felt the TPNL was an important missing link for pregnancy because women were put into a situation where they were being give extreme amounts of info and in the same breath a complete lack of info, which led to just “googling” the answer that bubbles to the top of the search engine. Ryann has created a place of knowledge that just doesn’t say “DON’T EAT THIS” but dives deeper into the reason why certain foods are on a do not eat list. Knowledge like this can help women who are a part of the community that have lost pregnancies and tend to second guess all decisions and blame themselves for everything.
Each trimester brings unique challenges and having this pocket guide that provides quality data on what and why to eat certain food for all the symptoms of pregnancy such as heartburn, nausea, etc. is invaluable.
During the episode Ryann shows an example of how she breaks down a food and shares what she would tell a client who was inquiring about a “do not eat” food.They also discuss why certain foods are on a list because of the ability to harbor bacteria and why certain foods get a bad reputation due to how it is prepared. The big question Ryann suggest mothers to be ask is WHY? The Prenatal Nutrition Library helps you find out those answers and make that informed decision.
A trick that Ryann shares for anyone in their first trimester when nausea tends to show up is that eat a source of carb but follow it with protein and fat that you can stand. There are many different healthier carb choices on the market now and choosing those over a less healthy option is always a great choice. She also shares is that even though you may feel that a certain food is going to make you feel better it might be the actual culprit behind why you are feeling bad!
After the first trimester is over it is time to bring back the good stuff that you couldn’t handle before… veggies, protein sources (especially fish and red meat). Remember to stay prepared with snacks that you know make you feel good and can be a good snack for your specific blood sugars is incredibly important.
Sophia, Caitlin and Ryann also discuss the Glucose test in depth and other options that may be available for you. There is a dye and preservative free test called the Fresh Test if you feel that the traditional test goes beyond your level of comfortability after cleaning up your lifestyle.
This episode will help you understand how beneficial certain foods can be during a pregnancy in each trimester and also Ryann and our hosts share the benefits and resources the app can provide.
For more information about the Prenatal Nutrition Library be sure to head over to
Website: https://new.theprenatalnutritionlibrary.com/
Ryann on Instagram: https://instagram.com/prenatalnutritionist/
Special Listener discount code: Prenatal nutrition library: FFF20 20%
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- FullWell: FFF10 10% pre-natal, fish oil or men’s pre-natal
- Prenatal nutrition library: FFF20 20%
Be sure to find the Food, Freedom and Fertility podcast on IG: @foodfreedomfertility