Win Wednesday: Success Story With Valerie

May 8, 2024

Welcome to a new segment under Food, Freedom, and Fertility. Host Caitlin Johnson and Sophia Pavia speak with Valerie Eugenio on working with Caitlin to conceive her daughter.

Valerie is a long time listener of the podcast and has her own unique fertility journey. After battling with painful periods she went on birth control which made her have a cycle every few months.

After getting off of birth control she noticed her periods were not coming so often and showing up about every 60 days. After binging the podcast and implementing tips from both Sophia and Caitlin her cycle got down to 40 days but she still was not getting that positive pregnancy test.

After reaching out to Caitlin and taking her course, Valerie was able to successfully get pregnant and have a healthy baby!

This episode has useful information on trying to conceive, working with Caitlin, taking a good quality prenatal and navigating the stress of pregnancy after struggling to conceive. It’s an uplifting story you will want to hear! 

If you would like to be featured on this new segment called Win Wednesday reach out to us through our website! 

Thank you to our Win Wednesday Sponsor Caraway. Be sure to use this link to get 10% off tour next order or type in FFF10 at checkout.

You can find us on IG at FoodFreedomFertility

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